Loan Facilites

Personal Loan *

A loan upto Rs 1,00,00/- will be considered with two sureties for a period of 24 to 36 months.

Mortgage Loan *

Mortgage loan will be considered upto Rs 50 lakhs, by taking Immovable property as collateral security for a period of 120 months.

Home Loan *

Home loan will be considered for purchase of House/Construction upto Rs 50 lakhs for a period upto 120 months on the security of House property.

Vehicle Loan *

Vehicle loan for the purpose of purchasing a new/used vehicle will be considered at 75% of the basic cost, road tax and insurance.

Gold Loan *

Loan on gold ornaments will be considered on pledge of gold ornaments maximum upto Rs 6,00,000/-

Loan On Deposit *

A loan at 85% of the deposit amount will be considered. Interest on this type of loan will be charged at 1% higher than the interest rate on deposit.

Overdraft On Deposit *

85% of the value of the deposit will be considered for overdrawings. The period of loan will be upto the maturity of deposit account.

Term Loan / Equipment Loan *

Term loan will be considered for the purpose of Machinery/equipments for a period of maximum upto 60months. The loan will be backed by immovable property.

'*' - Terms and Conditions may apply