Our services

Members Savings Account *

To encourage Savings among Members, Savings Account can be opened by a member at lower minimum balance.

Fixed Deposit *

Fixed sum will be invested by a member to get a maturity amount after a lapse certain period. Attractive interest rates are offered compared to other commercial and nationalized banks.

Recurring Deposits *

Any amount can be invested in a systematic way every month such that the depositor gets a lumpsum money at the time of maturity.

Re-investments Deposit *

A round figure for eg: 5,000 10,000 etc will be invested and at the end maturity amount will be paid back. The interest earned will get itself compounded quarterly so that the depositor gets higher interestwhen compared to fixed deposit

Cash Certificate *

Here the depositor, will invest an odd figure and get a maturity amount in round figure. In this case also the interest amount will be compounded quarterly.

Pigmy Deposit *

It is a small savings deposit, it is meant for small traders and Individuals.

E-Stamp *

E-Stamp is a secured way of paying non-judicial stamp duty to the government

Re- Investment Maturity Chart

Principal Amount Rs 10000/-

'*' - Terms and Conditions may apply